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Healthland Italy意大利医疗平台,致力于将华人医疗机构和个人与意大利医疗和医疗资源联系起来。 该平台由中欧之桥(SEL)发起。 SEL在成功地将中国机构和个人与欧洲机构和公司联系起来方面有着悠久的历史。 通过Healthland,SEL与意大利高端医院和机构建立了合作伙伴关系,使中国的机构和个人能够高效,有效地选择医疗保健提供商。 SEL致力于促进中意在医学交流,医学教育,国际咨询和学术交流方面的无缝合作。

医疗卫生领域是意大利的卓越领域之一。2017年的全球健康指数报告(Bloomberg Global Health Index)肯定了意大利是全世界最健康的国家,特别是在生活质量和寿命方面:在全球163个国家中排名第一,健康指数百分为满分,意大利的分数为93.11。这个里程碑式的首位排名,可以归功于地中海饮食和意大利的医疗健康质量。





Healthland Italy is a medical and healthcare platform dedicated to connecting Chinese institutions and individuals with Italian medical and healthcare resources.  The platform is launched by Sino-EU Link (SEL).  SEL has a long track record of successfully connecting Chinese institutions and individuals with European institutions and companies.  With Healthland, SEL has entered into partnerships with high-end Italian hospitals and institutions to enable Chinese institutions and individuals to efficiently and effectively choose a healthcare provider.  SEL’s works to promote seamless cooperation between China and Italy in medical exchange, medical education, international consultation and academic exchange.

The Italian healthcare sector is one of examples of Italian excellence.  The 2017 Global Health Index (Bloomberg Global Health Index) lists Italy as the world’s healthiest country.  For quality of life and longevity, Italy ranks first in 163 countries worldwide, earning a health index of 93.11.  Italy’s first place ranking can be attributed not only to the Mediterranean diet but equally important, its top quality medical healthcare system and services.

Certain data on the Italian medical care system:

  • Italy's medical and healthcare system ranks 2nd in the world (World Health Organization 2000 report), compared with the UK at no. 18th, Germany at no. 25 and the US at no. 37.
  • Italy's national medical service is ranked third in the world in terms of efficiency (Bloomberg 2014 report).
  • Italy ranks 9th in the world for its quality of medical care, compared with Japan at no. 12, Germany at no. 18, the UK at no. 24 and the US at no. 29 (Lancet 2016 report)




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